Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 2

Chris managed to make the trek up north with the kids this weekend. He went out fishing Saturday night and Sunday morning. I really can't think of much worse than getting in a rocking boat for several hours while feeling nauseous. But Chris did it, and he will tell you that the worst part wasn't how he felt but that they didn't catch hardly anything.

Today started with us again racing to make it to chemo on time. Chris made it, but I was late as I had forgotten to find  a place for the kids to go.   Chris had some bloodwork done. Apparently his white blood cell count was too high? What?!? The neulasta shot must have worked!  Then, we were led to the back where his infusion was to take place. Today Chris only received the B part of his BEP chemotherapy medications.  It was a Short infusion-10 minutes only- and then we were sent on our way. We split up, Chris heading home to work and me running some errands. All seemed well. Then, three hours after the treatment, Chris called me to say he wasn't feeling well and needed to lay down. By the time I returned 45 minutes later, he was in pretty bad shape. I found him in bed, covered in blankets, shaking like crazy. He had a fever and couldn't warm up. We got some meds in him and I did some research to make sure this was a normal reaction. It was. I thought about calling the nurse, but we waited it out and 45 minutes later he started to remove some of the layers covering him.

It is 10 PM as I write this and Chris has definitely improved since this afternoon. He had a good dinner and has kept Tylenol and ibuprofen in his system. He is running a low grade fever, but we are hanging out and he seems to be doing okay.

Tomorrow is another day, and as Chris just said "it's gotta be better than today! Can't get worse"..... I hope not!

Have a great night,

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