Monday, May 13, 2013

No news=good news

I know, I know. I haven't written a post in a week. I apologize (sorry Jeff and Dave! I heard you guys "live" for the blog). I'll do better.  The good news is that I didn't post anything because Chris did really well last week.  Everyday after Monday was better than the day before. The only change was that Chris did develop some mouth sores. So, his diet changed to include a lot of jello, applesauce, yogurt, etc.   He began doing a homemade mouth rinse consisting of baking soda and salt and that seemed to help a little. As of today, the sores have mostly gone away. Chris's nurse ordered a special mouthwash too that should also help.

As we speak, Chris is with his nurse who is starting his bleomycin infusion. Chris has been dreading this all week as this is the medicine that caused him to be so ill last Monday. The good news is that the nurse is giving him some Benadryl and extra fluids with the medicine and this will hopefully limit the side effects. He also took some Tylenol and we will keep him on this all day. Cross your fingers, send up some prayers!

On a side note, Chris decided that he should plant a 600 lb tree by himself this weekend. Everything sounds easier in your mind than when you actually try to put the plans into action. We had a few "challenges" but he got it done!  I'm sure the neighbors were looking out their windows thinking  "what the heck! And why are we bringing them meals.!?!?!"  I can assure you that he does in fact have cancer and although I should probably try to discourage him from these grandiose activities, I actually try to encourage them.  Well, maybe not planting 600 lb trees, but work, golf, a beer with his buddies, etc. I know Chris well and the best thing for him is to carry on with business as usual. As the nurses here like to say, "life goes on."  Cancer doesn't stop all of life's other happenings. Although sometimes I wish they could be placed on pause:). To that point, I will say that I appreciate the meals more than even Chris does. My brain thinks cancer and chemo and that's pretty much it right now. The rest of life's details are on auto pilot. Meals are often an after thought and thanks to all of you wonderful friends and family, my kids and husband are assured a healthy home cooked  meal at least 3 times a week!  I have some guilt about the meals and all the other extra help we are receiving from family and friends. My sister and I had a talk about this on Friday when I was feeling particularly guilty. The fact is, I COULD do it. But I am a soooo very thankful that I don't need to!

I will do another post tonight or tomorrow to let you know how Chris responded to the bleo this week.
Enjoy the sunshine today!

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