Friday, May 3, 2013

I think I'll Pass!

Today was the last day of the first week of Chris's chemotherapy. Glad to have that one behind us! While he won't be receiving any chemo drugs this weekend, He does go in for a quick shot tomorrow. The neulasta shot really shouldn't be a big deal.  Chris could feel some joint Achiness as the bone marrow starts to work to produce more healthy white blood cells but that's it. I'm pretty sure he would pick that over nausea any day!

Today Chris woke up feeling much like he did yesterday. He was nauseated all day and his appetite was pretty much zero. However, he knows the importance of getting in good nutrition and hydration so I didn't have to nag him TOO much. Chris wasn't able to work today, but he got in several good naps.  I walked away for a couple minutes this morning so I could mail some letters and I couldn't help but laugh when  I returned.  Chris had retired to his own private "room" for a nap.


Our cubicle neighbor mentioned that Chris reminded her of her 4 yr old son.  Hmmmm....

As lousy as Chris feels, I actually think he is handling his treatment really well. If you didn't know him well, you might not even know how lousy he feels. He's making jokes, helping around the house even though I tell him not to, and is even going to attempt fishing with his brother tomorrow.  He really is trying to carry on with his normal routine, only with a few more naps and meds along the way.  I'm really proud of him!

I feel like I need to put out a disclaimer to everyone whose path I may cross over the next 8 weeks. If I stare at you blankly while you try to tell me something simple like how to reheat a meal, or if I forget to return your text or call you back, or even if my kids show up to school in all sorts of crazy outfits and dirt on their faces, please forgive me. People joke about chemo brain. I think I have it.  Seriously.  

Now for the story behind the title of this post.  Chris and I arrived to the lovely oncology unit today at 8:30 am. We had been rushing to arrive on time and Chris was feeling pretty crappy. He hadn't said much all morning and I was trying to respect the fact that he probably just needed some time to himself. So, we were sitting in silence waiting our turn as person after person was called back for their treatment. Out of the silence that was between us Chris says in a very flat tone "I think I'll pass today." What?! I ask. I have no idea what he is talking about. With a deadpan expression, He repeats himself saying, " I think when the nurse calls my name, I'm just going to pass."  I'm hoping you can imagine the inflection in his voice and the half smirk he gave me as he said it the second time, because it was hilarious. I'm not sure how appropriate it is to start laughing hysterically in the waiting room of an oncology unit, but I did it anyway. Even in the throes of illness, Chris can effortlessly lighten the mood and make me laugh. 

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. The strength you guys I read these posts one word always comes to mind and that is that how you are coping with this is: STELLAR. I am being educated on the disease, reflecting much; I've smiled, cried, and literally laughed out loud. Simply put, Chris and Katie, I have a lot of respect for the people you are. Thanks for keeping us updated and the prayers and positive thoughts will continue every day.
