Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Quick update

I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted!  My intention was to post every day Chris receives some sort of treatment.  That's not happening! Oh well...

So, last week was Chris's long treatment week. He handled it really well, considering that it IS chemo he is receiving.  I always laugh because whenever anyone asks Chris how he's feeling, he is so enthusiastic with his responses- "can't complain!"  "Doing well!"   This attitude serves him well I think. I was joking with my sister-in-law this weekend that I would be the complete opposite. I would be curled up in a blanket all day, feeling sorry for myself, moping....not Chris thankfully.  He is getting us both through this!!

Chemo finally caught up with Chris this weekend. Not sure what exactly happened but he hit a definite wall. A big, brick one. Yesterday and today have been particularly bad. He has nausea, headache, body aches, and chills. He told me today that he can't even "fake it". He feels that sick. To top it off, he had his bleo injection today. This is the one med he gets during his "off" weeks. He has been in bed for most of the past 48 hours, only coming out to see the kids and eat.

Tomorrow will be better. Thanks for reading.

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